The Power of One show for April is cancelled

Add First Friday to your long-running list of cancelled activities due to COVID-19.

There’s a lot on our minds and the news of how this virus is affecting our lives is changing daily. The deep impact of these events will stay with us for a long time. I’m very encouraged and impressed with how my small community in Baker City, Oregon is taking care of itself and others.

Hillery Lay Oregon artist

The title of this years Crossroads Carnegie Art Center annual April theme show is strangely appropriate.

The Power of One was intended to give artists the challenge of creating work with “the power of the individual to enact an opinion or idea to create change”.

I’m feeling spookily physic now as I look at the artwork descriptions I sent with my show images. I chose my paintings and wrote my notes before everything shut down. What I said then is truer now than it was just a few weeks ago.

Hillery Lay

Then: The Power of being comfortable alone.

Now: What a reality for so many people! It really is powerful to keep yourself busy and not succumb to boredom.

Hillery Lay

Then: The Power of a special animal in your life.

Now: Pets are absolutely out there in the world helping their families cope with the new stresses in life. They don’t know what’s going on, but I’m sure they’re loving the extra attention right now.

Hillery Lay

Then: The Power of exploring a favorite spot.

Now: Although tighter restrictions are curbing this in some places; getting outside and enjoying the fresh spring air is helping many people lessen their cabin fever. As long as they can still social distance, right?

I know spring yard work has been helping me!

Hillery Lay

Crossroads will be posting artwork intended for the show on their Facebook page.

Check-in with them and also with so many other museums and galleries who are posting amazing shows online. It is a treat.

Please take care of yourself and your loved ones. Find the silver linings in your day.