A disastrous cliffs pop up

Well, RIP the majestic outdoor art installation I had been picturing in my head for weeks.

 In the harsh light of day my collage piece streamers didn’t cut the mustard.

Hillery Lay mixed media painter in Oregon

Picture standing on a windy cliff in 90 degree heat with your significant other of 20 plus years. You’re untangling nine strings, each over 16 feet long. Scraps of different sized pieces of paper are taped along the lengths. Imagine untangling the strings, tying them to anchor rocks, throwing them over the cliff edge- just to watch them tangle again!

art in the high deserts of Oregon
art practice blog in Oregon

This was the reality of the great plan I had been plotting. My streamers did not float regally in the breeze. They did not shimmer and sparkle in the afternoon sun. They hung in a tangle of balloon ribbon, tape, and paper.

And not very artfully.

art blog in Oregon
mixed media art blog in Oregon

I thought each string would remain an individual. Golden streamers of interesting shapes moving free and easy through the air. I was hilariously and pitifully wrong.

At least I got that idea out of my system!

Art blog in Eastern Oregon
Hillery Lay mixed media art blogger

I’m very lucky the Cliffs Pop Up wasn’t going to be the only subject I had to talk about. This different sort of set up was meant to introduce a new project combining the paper masking pieces I use in my paintings with the outdoor connections I’ve been having fun arranging.

My new idea is called Sunday Study. Here is the first one below!

contemporary art blog in Oregon

Instead of making pop ups containing finished paintings, I want to switch things up a little with the masking papers I use for the figurative elements of my work.

In a similar way as paper cuts expand my collage shapes, I’m hoping I can add more depth to my practice by photographing my reference materials in the environments inspiring me to paint them.

I want a photograph I used as a tool to then go back to being a photograph.

These will be studies done after the fact. I plan on posting one photo every Sunday. They will be numbered, dated, and have the location taken.

That’s it.

I won’t give any further explanation unless someone asks me about the photo in the comments section of the post.

I hope you enjoy this new series. So far it’s been a lot of fun to put together.